natural stone bracelet



Agate -Stone that strengthens the connection of the body to the ground. Give courage, energy, strength, removes fears raises confidence. .Attracts luck. Reduces feelings of envy, jealousy, anger

Jasper- protected stone. It aligns all chakras and balance yin and yang.

Onyx-Stone of self-improvement and self-control.

Obsidian-obsidian is born in avolcano, it gives peoplethe power not tobe afraid ofchanges. Holders ofthis stoneare always ready totakechanging circumstancesas they are.

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Product Description

Agate -Stone that strengthens the connection of the body to the ground. Give courage, energy, strength, removes fears raises confidence. .Attracts luck. Reduces feelings of envy, jealousy, anger

Jasper- protected stone. It aligns all chakras and balance yin and yang.

Onyx-Stone of self-improvement and self-control.

Obsidian-obsidian is born in avolcano, it gives peoplethe power not tobe afraid ofchanges. Holders ofthis stoneare always ready totakechanging circumstancesas they are.


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