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Jewelry of Semi Precious Stones

”Goden Swan”


AgateStone that strengthens the connection of the body to the ground. Giveс courage, energy, strength, removes fears raises confidence. .Attracts  luck. Reduces feelings of envy, jealousy, anger.

Jasper -protected stone. It aligns all chakras and balance yin and jang.

Jade- Chinese diamond. Jade provides long life, prosperity, and good health.

 Tripple wrapped bracelet which can be worn as a short necklace

Stainless steel bead

Clear selection

Product Description

AgateStone that strengthens the connection of the body to the ground. Giveс courage, energy, strength, removes fears raises confidence. .Attracts  luck. Reduces feelings of envy, jealousy, anger.

Jasper -protected stone. It aligns all chakras and balance yin and jang.

Jade- Chinese diamond. Jade provides long life, prosperity, and good health.

Stainless steel bead

     !!!Tripple wrapped bracelet which can be worn as a short necklace.


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