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Precious and Semi Precious Stones online

Agate-Stone that strengthens the connection of the body to the ground. Gives courage, energy, strength, removes fears raises confidence. .Attracts luck. Reduces feelings of envy, jealousy, anger


Rhodonite- stone bearing a great deal of self-confidence, trust in your own heart, your own voice and your own choice. Wearing this stone will calm your mind and allow you to deal with chaotic situations and patiently assess your options. This gemstone promotes relaxation and brings a sense of well-being. By reducing stress and calming the mind Rhodonite eases physical and emotional trauma. It increases self-esteem, confidence and energy levels of the mind and body. Rhodonite banishes feelings of inferiority and protects against negativity.

Mother of Pearl-It signifies faith, charity, and innocence, enhances personal integrity, and helps to provide focus to ones attention. The pearl has been known as a “stone of sincerity”, bring truth to situations and loyalty to a “cause”. It has been used to inhibit boisterous behavior, and to provide a reflection of the self such that one may see the manner in which one appears to others.

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Clear selection

Product Description

Precious and Semi Precious Stones online

Precious and Semi Precious Stones online

Agate-Stone that strengthens the connection of the body to the ground. Gives courage, energy, strength, removes fears raises confidence. .Attracts luck. Reduces feelings of envy, jealousy, anger


Rhodonite- stone bearing a great deal of self-confidence, trust in your own heart, your own voice and your own choice. Wearing this stone will calm your mind and allow you to deal with chaotic situations and patiently assess your options. This gemstone promotes relaxation and brings a sense of well-being. By reducing stress and calming the mind Rhodonite eases physical and emotional trauma. It increases self-esteem, confidence and energy levels of the mind and body. Rhodonite banishes feelings of inferiority and protects against negativity.

Mother of Pearl-It signifies faith, charity, and innocence, enhances personal integrity, and helps to provide focus to ones attention. The pearl has been known as a “stone of sincerity”, bring truth to situations and loyalty to a “cause”. It has been used to inhibit boisterous behavior, and to provide a reflection of the self such that one may see the manner in which one appears to others.

Stainless steel bead 14K Gold Plated

Stainless steel charm 14K Gold Plate



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